
In your config.yml:

Full Configuration

    entity_manager: doctrine.orm.entity_manager #name of the entity manager service
    broker_type: rabbitmq #type of the broker
    broker_connection: default #name of the connection to the broker
    batch_entity: MyBundle\Entity\Batch #entity which extends the batch Model
    batch_results_folder: %kernel.root_dir%/../batch-results/ #Folder where we store the results files
        batch: MyBundle\Entity\Batch
    manage_entities: #Batchable entity
            entity_name: MyBundle\Entity\Need
            form_name: MyBundle\Form\NeedType
            batch_size: 10
            actions: ['create','delete']
            entity_name: MyBundle\Entity\Proposition
            form_name: MyBundle\Form\PropositionType
            batch_size: 10
            actions: ['create']

Manage_entitites explanation

You can add as many entities as you like. Each of them must have the following attributes :

  • entity_name : full name of the entity
  • form_name : full name of the form corresponding to this entity. This form will be used to bind the given parameters to the new entity (see section TODO for more details)
  • actions : array of action. At the moment, we only support create and delete
  • batch_size : number of message to take from the queue at a time.